Karen Wendt activities: Executive, Business Development/Sales, Events, Finance, Investments/Portfolio Management, Research, Strategy/Asset Allocation, Human Resources, Business Development/Sales, Events, Investor Relations/Marketing, Research, Risk Management, Strategy/Asset Allocation, Human Resources, Executive, Business Development/Sales, Events, Finance, Investments/Portfolio Management, Research, Strategy/Asset Allocation, Human Resources, Business Development/Sales, Events, Investor Relations/Marketing, Research, Risk Management, Strategy/Asset Allocation, Human Resources, Executive, Business Development/Sales, Events, Finance, Investments/Portfolio Management, Research, Strategy/Asset Allocation, Human Resources, Business Development/Sales, Events, Investor Relations/Marketing, Research, Risk Management, Strategy/Asset Allocation, Human Resources, president, Event organizer, Event organizer

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Karen Wendt

president at SwissFinTechLadies
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian


Karen Wendt's personal:

Profile summary

Karen Wendt is the editor of Sustainable Finance series (Springer,Palgrave, Mac Millan). She merges Ecosystems Building, Design Thinking, Investment and Portfolio Engineering, Strategy, ExponentialTech, Behavior and Sustainability. Her mission is to scale sustainable innovation with purpose and passion to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) in her Scaling4Impact Programme. In 2007 she won the FT sustainability award. She founded SwissFinTechLadies to make females visible.

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