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Public company; Founded in 1992
11 – 50 employees



Relationship history

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Areas of expertise
  • Legal and compliance services
  • Corporate/M&A
  • Corporate law
  • Securities laws
  • M&A transactions
  • Takeovers
  • Joint ventures
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Corporate governance
  • Shareholders’ meetings
  • International re-domiciliations
  • Reorganization and restructuring
  • Restructuring/Insolvency
  • White collar offenses
  • Succession and tax planning
  • Banking and finance
  • Financial services and regulation
  • Banking
  • Fintech
  • Restructurings
  • Capital markets
  • Debt capital markets
  • Equity capital markets
  • Stock exchange
  • Securities law
  • Regulatory capital
  • Derivatives and structured products
  • Collective investment schemes
  • Comercial
  • Associations and foundations
  • Employment law
  • Public law
  • Business law
  • Procurement law
  • International Trade
  • Administrative law
  • Outsourcing
  • IT law
  • Media and telecommunications
  • Infrastructure and transport
  • Energy
  • Health and pharma
  • Antitrust/Competition
  • National merger control proceedings
  • Multinational merger control proceedings
  • Compliance
  • Procurement law
  • Horizontal contracts
  • Vertical contracts
  • Market power issues
  • Cartel issues
  • Court appeals
  • Regulatory issues
  • Trade issues
  • Civil proceedings
  • Intellectual property
  • Licensing of intellectual property rights
  • Sales, including parallel imports
  • Trademark rights
  • Design rights
  • Copyright
  • IT law
  • Geographical designations of origin
  • Unfair competition
  • Protection of know-how
  • Domain names
  • Data protection
  • Telecommunications law
  • Dispute resolution
  • Litigation
  • Insolvency
  • Alternative dispute resolutions
  • Private clients
  • Family law
  • Succession planning
  • Estate planning
  • Estate management
  • Cross-border structuring of wealth
  • Structures (trusts, foundations, …)
  • Real estate transactions
  • Residence planning
  • Philanthropy
  • Arts and sports
  • Protection of children and adults
  • Legal representation of wealth managers
  • Real estate
  • Carve-out transactions
  • Legal due diligence
  • Real estate and M&A transactions
  • Leases/Tenancy
  • Service contracts
  • Collective investment schemes/capital markets
  • Finance
  • Tax
  • Environmental and zoning law
  • Disputes
  • Due diligence services
  • Operational due diligence
  • Investment due diligence
  • Auditing services
  • Data rooms
  • Fund services
  • Upfront consulting
  • Fund administration
  • Custody
  • Trading
  • Regulatory & compliance services
  • Fund governance
  • Fund operations
  • Country specific help
  • Risk management/reporting
  • Banking services
  • Branch and retail services
  • Financing
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • Custodian services
  • Underwriting
  • Brokerage/Payment
  • Insurance services
  • Pension schemes
  • General insurance policies
  • Catastrophe insurance policies
  • Insurance broker/advisory
  • Life insurance policies
  • Consulting for investing
  • Market research
  • Investment consulting/advisory
  • Risk management consulting
  • Benchmarking
  • Capital introduction
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Communication
  • Advertising
  • Fintech
  • Finance management
  • Alternative financing
  • ICT
  • Software
  • Hardware services
  • Data services
  • General services
  • HR services
  • Finance & accounting
  • Real estate services
  • Planning & building
  • Property utillization
  • Evaluation & financing
  • Facility/property management
  • Investment research
  • Company research
  • Technical research
  • Asset class
  • Thematic research
  • Credit, rates & currencies
  • Industry
  • Commodities
  • Macro & politics

Served jurisdictions

Switzerland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States

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We speak
English, German, Swedish

WER WIR SIND UNTERNEHMENSVERANTWORTUNG Nachhaltigkeit steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. In den letzten rund 30 Jahren hat die EIB Tausende Projekte finanziert, um die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen zu verbessern. Sie fördert ein nachhaltiges Wachstum, an dem alle Menschen teilhaben – in der Europäischen Union und weltweit. Größere Wirkung durch Mittel Kombination und Beratung Nachhaltigkeit spielt für uns auch bei der Mittels Kombination und Beratung eine zentrale Rolle. Nachhaltiges Finanzieren geht oft mit technischer Hilfe und Beratung einher, damit ein Projekt für alle Beteiligten ein Erfolg wird. Deshalb fließen unsere Mittel und unser Know-how in nachhaltige Investitionsprojekte, die den Zielen der EU entsprechen.


Mikael Bogren
CEO / Fondateur

Mikael Bogren
CEO / Fondateur