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The mindset of the greatest minds. Kill stress. Achieve your goals effortlessly. Best of Peter Sage, live in Zurich

The mindset of the greatest minds. Kill stress. Achieve your goals effortlessly. Best of Peter Sage, live in Zurich organized by Rumi Genova

Zürich, Switzerland

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reSTART 2023!
The best of the World Class Speaker, bestselling Author, business  Mentor and Teacher  PETER SAGE: LIVE in Zurich.
Practical tools for raising your game of life!
What you are about to learn is a real game changer! For some of you life changing. For others- even life saving!
Who am I? I am Rumi - senior trainer and one of the first certified trainers of Peter Sage worldwide.


Especially valuable for people who are living on the stress edge daily.
It is for those, who wants to raise the bar in the game of life.
For every person, who does not want to live a mediocre life.
Who does not want to survive in stress and frustration any more.
For Business owners and those who work with many people daily.
For those who want a meaningful connection with themselves, with life, with their kids, family and everyone they interact with.
For those who FINALLY SEE that the next diploma on the wall will just make him smarter. But not fulfilled or happier.

Proven working tools for how to raise your game of life and your Business to another level.

You will learn things that will shift your mindset and your life to a completely new level:

  • Practical tools for raising your game of life!
  • Cutting edge tools and strategies on how to overcome stress, drama and fulfillment
  • How to create your reality instead of being ruled by it

 I want you to imagine how would your life be if you could really aunderstand and learn

  • how to understand beyond peoples behavior - or why we do what we do?
  • how to pre-program your subconscious mind in a way that it serves you?
  • how to recognize some human behavior patterns and understand your kids, partner and everyone around you from a different level?
  • how to connect deeper with people in your life and your Business skyrocketed?
  • how NOT to get stressed or burned out from the world around you, no matter what happens?
  • how to enhance your creativity and intuition and use it in your daily life AND in your Business?
  • how to achieve your goals effortlessly - without struggle and fighting with obstacles?
  • how to create your clear vision of the future  and start living it?

For the Business owners: You cannot reinvent the business, without reinventing the Business Owner FIRST.

What if you learn all that?

What if you dont?

Invest 1 day of your life IN YOU and spend the rest of it experiencing joy, satisfaction, meaning, progress and living the life you deserve!

It will be life changing. Secure your seat today, only limited places are left


P.S. Some of you will possibly think now

" I do not need this now. I am OK"  - but we are unaware of so many unconscious patterns that are holding us back. There is another level of experiencing life. We still do not see it, while sitting in our COMFORT ZONE.

..... or others will think

" I already know this". .... It is not important to KNOW this.... it is vital TO DO IT!  We will fill that gap from KNOWING to DOING it PERMANENTLY.

Early Birds price is extended till 25th Jan ! Then is the regular tickets price

Dayliy program:
Register and coffee: 08:00-09:00
Part 1: 09:00- 13:00 (with a short break)
LUNCH: 13:00-14:00
Part 2: 14:00-19:00
After Party: 19:00-20:00
LUNCH is organized: if you have any allergies: let us know!

It is really important to reserve your seat ASAP.  Only part of the 100 seats are still free!


Costs: from 199

Event type: Seminars, workshops and presentations

Registration information: Limited seats left!

Event website: https://www.ticketino.com/en/Event/Reality-is-subject-to-influence/172952

Posted by: Rumi Genova

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