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Solarplaza Summit Spain 2023

Solarplaza Summit Spain 2023 organized by Solarplaza

C. de Alcalá, 15, 28014 Madrid, Spain

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A Critical Look at the Maturing Spanish PV Market

5th Solarplaza Summit Spain to highlight market build-out and proper asset O&M

With a colorful market development history and over 24 GW of solar PV installations, Spain is a well-established European solar powerhouse. As a mature market, the industry’s focus must simultaneously be on the ever-swelling pipeline, the large body of operational plants in their prime, and a senior fleet of aging plants. The fifth edition of the Solarplaza Summit Spain, with two packed program tracks, will cover all these themes.

The Spanish solar market has seen it all. Boasting some of Europe’s highest solar irradiation and - initially - a highly-favorable subsidy, it was one of the first markets to blow up, but also one of the first markets to sequentially go bust when the government made a full 180-degree turn on its policy. After some silent years, the era of rebirth kicked in when solar market parity was hit and a strong auction scheme boosted a substantial pipeline of new utility-scale PV plants.

Now, Spain hosts one of the most active and mature markets on the continent. With adequate availability of land for large-scale developments and a supportive regulatory environment, the country has set a target of reaching 39 GW of installed PV capacity by the end of the decade. Some challenges remain, of course, such as the increasing competition for connection to an increasingly-stressed power grid, the remaining regulatory and permitting hurdles, and the finetuning of the right financing schemes and business models. In addition, as one of the oldest markets, the first wave of assets is starting to show its age, which brings up the question of retrofitting or retirement.

To properly cover all those topics, the Solarplaza Summit Spain will - in addition to its usual deep-dive into the general market developments - also include a dedicated solar asset management track, taking its cues from the 33 dedicated asset management events Solarplaza has by now organized around the globe. In effect, the program’s focus now shifts beyond solely explosive build-out, but also towards safeguarding and maximizing production to fulfill the growing need for asset longevity and ROI optimization. Adulthood, however, also comes with responsibility, which means our program also increasingly addresses themes like ESG, supply chain sustainability, and diversity, equity & inclusion.

Join us at the Solarplaza Summit Spain on 6 July 2023 in Madrid, the only event to combine local knowledge with international expertise. Here you can meet the right people to succeed in your project development and management, while also gaining valuable insights into the intricacies of the market throughout all of its development stages.                                

Solarplaza Summit Spain

6 July 2023 - Casino de Madrid

Tickets: €895 (Early Bird) / €995 (Regular)

Contact: dena@solarplaza.com

More info: https://bit.ly/41ZMWPA


Costs: €995 (Regular)

Event type: Networking events

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://bit.ly/41ZMWPA

Posted by: Emily B


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