Icon-MoSAIQ Lunches Series October 2022

Icon-MoSAIQ Lunches Series October 2022 organized by Icon Asset Management - MoSAIQ

Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva, Quai du Mont-Blanc, Geneva, Switzerland

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During our lunches we will explain how we delivered to our investors on all the ambitious objectives we set to oursleves when we launched our MoSAIQ strategies 7 years ago. When we first went live in 2016, with our MoSAIQ Market Neutral strategy (now trading under ISIN DE000A275XR4) we clearly stated our goals: -Double digit average yearly return -No negative year -Low (close to zero) correlation to the S&P 500 -Perform strongly during most S&P 500 largest drawdowns -Control the strategies maximum drawdown and keep it in the -10% -15% range Our flagship MoSAIQ Carmika Market Neutral (ISIN DE000A22MU38) has generated +27% net annualized return (IRR) live since inception and is up +8% YTD as of end of August 2022. Our legacy MoSAIQ-Market Neutral (ISIN ISIN DE000A275XR4) has generated +13.7% net annualized return (IRR) live since inception and is up +2.2% YTD as of end of August 2022. Our factsheets can be found here: https://mosaiq-documents.tilk.us/v/bb473da12d




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